“People say adventures are dangerous!!
                                                  “Try routine , its lethal”!!!
Don’t be so serious about the last line, I did not mean that literally, but yes somewhere that so called everyday routine of our lives makes us monotonous. You know get up, get ready, go to work or school or whatever, come back, sleep and the next day, do it all over again!!. Our professional lives have become so busy and packed that sometimes that we don’t even address the person next to us.I do realise that some of you must be thinking that we cannot just leave and take shelter in a jungle and live there. But one way to take a break from our busy lives is adventure camps. It started on fine Thursday when we received a mail addressing that we will be spending 60 hours away from home and from the glaring city lights. We had never imagined that those 60 hours would be one of the most memorable moments of our entrepreneurial lives. The planned ambiguity about the destination made things interesting.Finally we reached “Cherry Farm”. starting from a simple Passing the Ring to taking Night Treks in the lush Green Jungle to building a Raft and taking it into the deep Khindcy waters. It was all amazing!!! We also learnt new exercising techniques while singing a song called Che Che gore which became our tag line for the rest of our camp!! In those 60 hours, I personally experienced a very significant change in my perspective, I learned to LIVE IN THE MOMENT!! WE were divided into 3 teams all the way but then at the end of the day we realise it was all about working as a single team.
Morning Trek to Ramtek temple..
Not only me but each and every one of us carried back with us a lesson. My friend Aksh got over his Hydrophobia, for which we deliberately had to throw him in the water, not literally but we had to pull him on the raft.. You should have seen his face HAHA!!!! Its was hilarious!! but yeah apart from that we respect the amount of courage he depicted while facing his so called “worst nightmare”. Its amazing how 60 hours can change lives. It changed mine, It changed all of us and our lives. It gave us the strength and courage to face what lays ahead in our entrepreneurial lives”
#Cherryfarm #chechegore!!
Persis Ratanparj
Lemon Blogger…