Art of Business Presentation & Attitude

The Art of Wining Presentation & Attitude is a practical workshop intended to train the participants to develop presentation and public speaking skills. The workshop will explain the steps involved in communicating and building empathy with the audience to make your presentation and objectives sound like storytelling to convince the audience and win over the opportunities.

Date : Saturday, 31st March & Sunday, 1st April

For Whom:

  • Aspiring and Novice Entrepreneurs
  • Student
  • College Drop Outs
  • Early stage entrepreneurs (Traditional Businesses)
  • Professionals
  • Any Individual looking to develop presentation and public speaking skills


  • Presentation Making skills
  • Confidence building before going on the stage.
  • Improved speaking skills.
  • Better communication skills.
  • Storytelling skills to convince the audience.
  • Overcoming fears forever.
  • Corporate public speaking.
  • Tips to win audience appreciation.
  • Group and Individual communication.
  • Investors pitch persuasion skills.
  • Efficient team communication skills.
  • Building audience empathy.


Mr. Mukesh Ashar – Co-Founder & Director , LSE

Mr. Ashar also chairs the behaviour science faculty at LSE. He is an entrepreneur and international trainer( JCI certified) with experience in telecom & industrial supply domain for last 25 years. He is a mechanical engineer and attended international trainee fellow program from JCI, USA. His training career showcases many programs from motivational training, train the trainers to behavioral & presentation skills since last 20 years. His hardcore entrepreneurship skills and experience for training youth in developing thses skills make him the most experienced person with over 2000 training programs for youth across the nation.


Nagpur , India