With WannaCry, a ransomware threatening to cripple normal life, Lemon School of Entrepreneurship has decided to hold sessions on “Protection from Ransomware and cyber attacks”. “It has been reported that a new ransomware named as “WannaCry” is spreading widely. WannaCry encrypts the files on infected Windows systems. This ransomware spreads by exploiting vulnerable Windows Systems. There have been 75,000 ransomware attacks in 99 countries on Friday. Ransomware attacks have been targeting organizations across the world. A majority of the attacks targeted Russia, Ukraine and Taiwan. In order to aware and to know more on how to protect your data files
from this virus attend the session at Lemon campus and interact with the experts from the field.
What is Incircle meet?
In-Circle meet-ups is an open and democratic way of learning where self-emerging group of like minded people share a space for a specific time to discuss , share, learn and collaborate. There are broad themes defined for learning and sharing and there may be few resource persons to lead the discussion ensuring navigation towards meaning outcome. This is a new revolutionary concept based on un-conference pedagogy for learning , sharing and co-creation. The approach involves compulsory participation from all and totally revolved around participation rather than ‘gyan’ session. All participants (including facilitators) seat in circle and discuss. Facilitators may use screen or board for quick sharing of pointers or noting down the outcome of the discussion.
For a very limited group of people who like to share there thoughts queries and doubts on the topic of discussion.
The format would be an un conference which will end when it will end.
It is open session so the batch size can be 2 people to #Nos.
- Mr. Mahendra Limaye- Cyber Legal Consultant/HIPAA compliance/ Faculty For Cyber Laws with an experience of 100+ CYBER AWARENESS Training programs in the Vidarbha region.
- Mr. Mahesh Rakhija- Technical speaker with expertise in cyber security.