The idea of being an entrepreneur is vested by many and acted by very few, creating empires of their dreams into reality. A start-up is the first step to giving shape to your dreams. An idea may seem to be crazy or stupid; but ideas need a chance! An idea needs validation, an idea needs platform to present, an idea when nurtured with mentoring helps to build a venture. A venture is successful not just by peers or customers but its impact greatly lies with the lives affected with the venture.

Come and discuss your ideas, come and explore opportunities to be exploited, come and select the path to your success story. We request you to celebrate the spirit of entrepreneurship with Lemon; find new avenues to connect with Lemon and build the trail of success only to be followed.

We invite you to Super Saturday on 17th June 2017 to explore path to success, ideas to make it big and
how could right mentorship, training and networking help an entrepreneurs on his/her journey of ups and downs called ENTREPRENEURSHIP.

Itinerary for super Saturday on 17th June, 2017:

Mentor talk on-

What not to expect from Entrepreneurship!
Session on Getting Funded at the right time
Power of ecosystem and Power of Co-creation
Know the Lemon start-ups’, founders’
LSE Admission process ( Lemon Entrepreneurship Test, Interview)


