Cheat Sheet of Entrepreneurship (Part-1)

A group of aspiring entrepreneurs who used to enjoy sharing their ideas with one another and working together when they were all at Lemon School of Entrepreneurship (LSE). Now scattered around the world, indulged in their entrepreneurial journey, this blog captures their diverse interests, disciplines and 36 weeks of journey.

Their Entrepreneurial journey technically started in the winters of 2014 when this disruptive Idea was born. Over 150+ mentors since then have joined hands with us in this Entrepreneurial journey. Unlike every journey that we had undertaken, about this particular journey, it’s not the destination we are excited about but it’s the journey that matters. We humans have now decided that in order to develop, dismantling is required. Lemon in its pedagogy have Do-It-Yourself (DIY) and Experiential learning. We encourage and support failures and experiments which is the real way of learning.

Amit Tiwari (Co-Founder: Flying Penguins) says “Lemon helped me to take my first plunge into startups. It helped me to get aware about the changes in the eco system and how with proper mentorship starting up could be quite comfortable.” Technology has to be adopted or invented and this philosophy is embedded in another tech. startup ‘Praccelerator’. “Experimenting became a part of life. I accustomed myself to work in agile conditions. Learnt and expanded my horizon in the field of technology” said Kishore Godithi (Co-Founder: Praccelerator).

Another aspiring entrepreneur Keshav Daga Said “Went through a lot of introspection and exploration. Still confused but confidently. Aspiring to inspire” who is yet working on startup Idea. Lemon has in its pedagogy to applause for Failures & Experiments. One of the Food startups at LSE, Mr. Pakora founder Sankalp Raut thinks that ‘Experiential Entrepreneurship Program’ was the catalyst in his life and he has developed lot of skill sets which otherwise is impossible to learn in any Business Management institute. A Hockey player turned Business Amol Kamble (Co-Founder: Happy Hearts) took the plunge from Real Estate to health & Sports domain for his new venture as he said “Started exploring more businesses and started expressing about ideas more openly. There is much more in life to do except multiplying money.”

Gaurav Totla working on ‘Tourism’ domain is also an entrepreneur by heart. “Before joining here, I was already running a startup which gradually failed and I realized that it was time to work upon myself as I was not from a business background. A vigorous Ideation process was done to shortlist our ideas. I personally shortlisted 2 ideas from over 63 ideas, piloted them, failed in one and am moving on with the final one.”

Coming from the background of traditional business, Aksh Purohit (Founder-Pyrophyte) is diversifying his family business and challenging the odds at LSE. “After coming down here, I have increased my horizon. The path, road map is clear. I see myself more confident and futuristic and ready to be light bearer for the Next gen businesses”.


Learning has always been a 2-way road and in this journey, LSE has also learned a lot from young minds. Stay tuned for next blog about more stories, more learning and more Cheat Sheet…