Another page of learning, motivation and insights added to our book of Entrepreneurship journey. At lemon school, we always get the opportunity to spend the day with an entrepreneur who is now globally known. This was also one of those days, we were waiting for Venkatesh Iyer (founder Goli vadapav).

Among all of us Shubham was the luckiest guy who got an opportunity to accompany Venky for the day. We were busy with our tasks, When he stepped in in the campus none of us came to know because his entry was so simple like an ordinary guy visiting Lemon. Suddenly we raised our heads which were busy in work for seeing the face we were waiting for and we found Venkatesh. The moment was so energetic and as patriotic as Independence and Republic day. Maybe due Venky’s creation. As goli is now in subjects at the desk of Harvard.

The moment I saw him, a thought covered my head that great person never has to show his greatness, it automatically reflects through his actions. As soon as Venky entered board room with Deepak sir. We move towards our playfield and were waiting for Venkatesh to come and join us for gup-shup.

About half hour later he joined the table Deepak sir formally introduced him and the initiate gup-shup. And there comes the main part the discussion for which we joined the table, as I already said Venky is one of the great personalities but very humble. He gives us many insights like an entrepreneur must be a critical thinker and a creative analyzer. We must read as much as possible books are one of the most important keys to success. Being an entrepreneur one must be aware of the world, he must have some knowledge of every field. This I observed while he was asking a question to cohorts during their introduction. He raised the question and shows his interest in every domain from technology, education system, food technology, Fintech, Addtech etc. along with queries, he directed each one of us to move forward in our respective domain. The secret of communication which is very helpful in our journey. For him, it’s all about communication. Until and unless we have it, no matter how the best idea is we cannot get the deal if we are unable to communicate it in very crisp and clear language. He also touches the trait which Deepak sir always told us to consider while every communication that is Empathy. If we empathize the other person’s view we can achieve whatever we want to do. As a businessman one must aware 0of the accounts, no matter how best you are in business if didn’t take care of number we got after everyday business we can’t define the value of our creation and al goes waste of wealth.

Although Venkatesh is from the Tamil family he chooses vadapav as a food to sell because it was the thing which he is eating since his childhood. And it is the food every Mumbaikar loves. Vadapav defines Mumbai in terms of food. And he is very clear about his business numbers, India’s population was 100 crore at that time if he could sell the Rs 10 vadapav to 50% of the population it was 500 crore business and he grabbed the opportunity. With all this valuable insight we ended our gup-shup and keep our minds open for the evening session.