60 hrs of my life at the LIFESKILLS CAMP – Cherry Farm

I had a wonderful experience of adding more meaning to 60 hrs of my life at the LIFESKILLS CAMP – Cherry Farm. I enjoyed being with new group of highly motivated and involved friends,trainers,support staff and mentors.Its altogether different feeling connecting with people,their minds and transformation of energy from individual to group and from group to individual.

Myth –  about people -more people – more distraction but now i could feel this has another perspective  that more people – more positivity – more variation – more laughs – more togetherness – more care – more energy – great atmosphere – more work – less tension – no frustrations.

After a long time i allowed myself to open-up, scream,dance,sing,perform and being unrestricted and get closed to other individuals and nature.

In this dedicated 60 hrs i tried to be true to myself and not entairtained any obstruction which was forcing me detatched me from myself.Here everything was positive and constructive,helping each other to rise above the negativity.

I walked in Jungle in dark night with excitement,a bit fear but having complete belief on my group,nature,sky and power of almighty with watching,observing and feeling the night life in Jungle.Enjoyed beauty of life in the deep dark environment and many more things at “CHERRY FARM”

Amol Kamble